State County Country |
Intersection (Lat, Lng) |
Type Status |
Control Type / Other Control Type | Approaches / Driveways / ICD (m) |
Functional Class / LaneType |
Year Completed | Comments |
MN Anoka Co. United States |
CSAH 35 (Central Ave. NE) / Gardena Ave. NE (45.07499, -93.24202) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Active Pedestrian Warning (flashing yellow) |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 37.7952 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2023 | |
Lake Charles,
LA Calcasieu Par. United States |
W Prien Lake Rd. / Holly Hill Rd. (30.19796, -93.24087) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 49.5480 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2016 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MN Dakota Co. United States |
Dodd Blvd. / Highview Ave. (44.69049, -93.23762) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 44.1515 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2013 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
Point Lookout,
MO Taney Co. United States |
Opportunity Ave. / L W Hyer Dr. (36.61436, -93.23741) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 47.2440 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2020 | Year Completed estimated (2020-2021). |
MN Anoka Co. United States |
99th Ave. NE / Baltimore St. NE (45.14987, -93.23354) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 35.0520 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2023 | Add-lane right-turn bypass lane on north leg. |
MN Hennepin Co. United States |
28th Ave. S / Lindau Ln. (44.85662, -93.23253) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 43.1781 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2015 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MN Anoka Co. United States |
Club West Pkwy. / 113th Ave. (45.17343, -93.23103) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 52.2014 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2005 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MN Steele Co. United States |
26th St. NE (CR 34) / N Cedar Ave. (CR 1) (44.10977, -93.22666) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 0.0000 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-lane w/ Traversable Central Island |
2019 | |
MN Anoka Co. United States |
105th Ave. NE / Irvin Pkwy. (45.16076, -93.22538) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 44.6337 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2018 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MN Anoka Co. United States |
105th Ave. NE/(National Sports Center entry) (45.16079, -93.22210) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 32.8436 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2018 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MN Steele Co. United States |
E Rose St. / N Grove Ave. (44.08791, -93.22101) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 21.3360 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-lane w/ Traversable Central Island |
2020 | Year Completed estimated (2019-2020). |
MO Taney Co. United States |
Branson Landing Blvd. / Veterans Blvd. / Skaggs Rd. / Parnell Dr. (36.64981, -93.21976) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
5 Approaches 0 Driveways 63.2418 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2006 | Near Skaggs Community Health Center Hospital. Veterans Boulevard was formerly Business 65 but was transferred from MoDOT to the city. Cost of roundabout was $1.9 million. News article: ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MO Taney Co. United States |
Business US 65 / Hwy 76 (36.63511, -93.21339) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 67.0874 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2010 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MN Hennepin Co. United States |
Minnehaha Ave. / Godfrey Pkwy. (44.91655, -93.21317) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 32.1384 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2001 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
Apple Valley,
MN Dakota Co. United States |
153rd St. W / Founders Ln. (44.72710, -93.20991) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 37.3353 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2007 | Fourth leg has exit only. ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MN Dakota Co. United States |
Diffley Rd. / Rahn Rd. (44.80471, -93.20767) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 34.7430 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2010 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
St Paul,
MN Ramsey Co. United States |
Coral Sea St. NE / Ring Rd. (45.12147, -93.19897) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 1 Driveways 33.7090 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2007 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MN Dakota Co. United States |
Flagstaff Ave. / Dodd Blvd. (44.70700, -93.19724) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 60.9600 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2019 | Elliptical shaped. ICD = 200 ft x 150 ft. |
MN Dakota Co. United States |
179th St. W / Flagstaff Ave. (44.68974, -93.19707) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 45.7200 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2020 | |
MN Dakota Co. United States |
195th St. W / Flagstaff Rd. (44.66688, -93.19687) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 37.3742 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2015 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MN Steele Co. United States |
SE 18th St. / Bixby Rd. (44.06634, -93.19513) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 0.0000 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2023 | |
LA Vernon Par. United States |
LA 468 (Slagle Rd.) / LA 184 (Chaffee Rd.) (31.14992, -93.19407) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 40.8851 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2019 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MN Anoka Co. United States |
Lakes Pkwy. / Harpers St. (45.19327, -93.19199) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 37.0332 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2005 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
Mounds View,
MN Ramsey Co. United States |
CR H / I-35 SB Offramp / Program Ave. / (parking lot) (45.09552, -93.18994) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
5 Approaches 0 Driveways 36.2537 |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2016 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
Apple Valley,
MN Dakota Co. United States |
Johnny Cake Ridge Rd. / 149th St. W (44.73360, -93.18726) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 47.2440 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2020 | |
Arden Hills,
MN Ramsey Co. United States |
CR H / I-35W NB Ramps / Thumb Rd. (45.09535, -93.18676) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 51.4298 |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2016 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
Arden Hills,
MN Ramsey Co. United States |
CR I / Old Hwy 8 (Thumb Rd.) / I-35W NB Offramp / Rice Creek Pkwy. (45.10787, -93.18665) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
5 Approaches 0 Driveways 57.3190 |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Single-Lane |
2017 | Combined signalized and stop-controlled intersections. ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MN Rice Co. United States |
Saint Olaf Ave. / Norway Valley Rd. (44.45991, -93.18608) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 36.5760 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2012 | Elliptical shaped. ICD = 120 ft x 100 ft. On St Olaf College campus. Previous control: 3-way stop. Year Completed estimated (2011-2012). |
MN Ramsey Co. United States |
Twin Lakes Pkwy. / Mount Ridge Rd. (45.02240, -93.18467) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 30.3908 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2009 | Right-turn-only lanes on west, north, and east legs. ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MN Ramsey Co. United States |
Twin Lakes Pkwy. / Prior Ave. N (45.02265, -93.18230) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
2 Approaches 2 Driveways 28.7023 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2012 | Right-turn-only lane on west leg. ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MN Anoka Co. United States |
Legacy Creek Pkwy. / 126th Ave. NE (45.19908, -93.18060) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 40.3958 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2007 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MN Rice Co. United States |
110th St. E / Highland Pkwy. / Farrel Ave. (44.42723, -93.17792) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 45.7200 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2019 | Year Completed estimated (2017-2020). |
MN Dakota Co. United States |
195th St. W / Pilot Knob Rd. (44.66692, -93.17661) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 37.3742 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2015 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
Apple Valley,
MN Dakota Co. United States |
Cobblestone Lake Pkwy. / 157th St. W (44.72095, -93.17386) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 37.3393 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2008 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MN Dakota Co. United States |
195th St. W / Akin Rd. (44.66692, -93.17057) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 31.4283 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2015 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MN Dakota Co. United States |
162nd St. W / Eagleview Dr. (44.71478, -93.16821) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 39.6240 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2015 | |
Apple Valley,
MN Dakota Co. United States |
Cobblestone Lake Pkwy / Elm Creek Ln. (44.71880, -93.16748) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 40.7353 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2008 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MN Anoka Co. United States |
Austin St. / 108th Ave. (45.16552, -93.16653) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 38.1000 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2019 | Year Completed estimated (2019-2020). |
MN Dakota Co. United States |
Eagleview Dr. / Lake Dr. / Dynamic Dr. (44.70381, -93.16642) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 54.3278 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2005 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
Mason City,
IA Cerro Gordo Co. United States |
Mohawk Boulevard / Mason City HS parking lots (43.14796, -93.16502) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2013 | |
Arden Hills,
MN Ramsey Co. United States |
Snelling Ave. N / Lake Johanna Blvd. / CR E (45.05023, -93.16374) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 41.1480 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2023 | |
MN Dakota Co. United States |
Duck Crossing Way / Eaglewood Ln. / Duck Trail Ln. (44.72366, -93.16284) |
Other Existing |
Unknown Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 0.0000 |
Other (At-Grade) Unknown |
MN Rice Co. United States |
STH 246 (Division St. S) / Jefferson Pkwy. (44.44068, -93.16070) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 0.0000 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2020 | Pedestrian tunnels under all four legs. |
St Paul,
MN Dakota Co. United States |
Northwood Pkwy. / Central Pkwy. / Denmark Ave. / (unknown) (44.83731, -93.15923) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 30.4888 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2008 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
LA Calcasieu Par. United States |
Corbina Blvd / E McNeese St (30.17724, -93.15878) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 66.0779 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2012 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
AR Pope Co. United States |
W 12th St. / S Vancouver Ave. (35.26816, -93.15581) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 39.6240 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2008 | Year Completed estimated (2006-2009). South leg added with construction of roundabout. |
Blaine/Lino Lakes,
MN Anoka Co. United States |
Sunset Rd. / Apollo Dr. / 109th Ave. NE (45.17093, -93.14284) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 40.4157 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2016 | On border of Blaine and Lino Lakes. 109th Ave NE realigned to meet this roundabout. ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MN Dakota Co. United States |
STH 3 (Chippendale Ave. W) / Vermillion River Trl. (44.64928, -93.13672) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 0.0000 |
Other (At-Grade) Unknown |
2022 | |
MN Dakota Co. United States |
STH 3 (Chippendale Ave.) / 195th St. W / 190th St. W (44.67382, -93.13663) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 36.5204 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2009 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MN Dakota Co. United States |
170th St. W / Chippendale Ave. W (SR 3) (44.70291, -93.13656) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 41.1480 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2020 | |
MN Dakota Co. United States |
Diffley Rd. / Daniel Dr. / (school parking) (44.80460, -93.13650) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 36.5760 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2021 | Entrance to Northview Elementary School. |
St Paul,
MN Dakota Co. United States |
Mendota Heights Rd. / Visitation Dr. (44.86554, -93.13174) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 31.3204 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2010 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MN Dakota Co. United States |
Diffley Rd. / Braddock Trl. (44.80468, -93.13157) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 36.5760 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2021 | |
MN Dakota Co. United States |
Spruce St. / 12th St. (44.63790, -93.13039) |
Other Existing |
Unknown None |
4 Approaches 8 Driveways 94.3320 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
1997 | No splitter islands. ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MN Dakota Co. United States |
Carmel Trl. / Canby Ct. (44.66912, -93.13003) |
Other Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 3 Driveways 42.4690 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2006 | No splitter islands. Pedestrian access through central island. ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
AR Pope Co. United States |
N Detroit Ave. / E H St. (35.28535, -93.12926) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 30.4800 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2013 | |
Saint Paul,
MN Ramsey Co. United States |
Laurel Ave. / St Alban's St. (44.94493, -93.12880) |
Other Existing |
Uncontrolled Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 43.1118 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Park in central island. ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. | |
MN Dakota Co. United States |
Lone Oak Pkwy. / Vikings Pkwy. (44.85793, -93.12387) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 40.6372 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2017 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MN Dakota Co. United States |
Brockway Ave. / 135th St. W (44.75398, -93.11972) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 51.7363 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2005 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MN Dakota Co. United States |
Cliff Rd. / Dodd Rd. (44.79015, -93.11968) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 0.0000 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2023 | |
Lino Lakes,
MN Anoka Co. United States |
Birch St. / Tomahawk Trl. (45.14236, -93.11531) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 42.6720 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2021 | Completed October 2021. |
MN Dakota Co. United States |
Ames Crossing Rd. / Vikings Pkwy. (44.85673, -93.11121) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 41.1480 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2017 | Yield-controlled right-turn bypass lane on west leg. |
Circle Pines,
MN Anoka Co. United States |
Town Center Pkwy. / Village Dr. (45.17908, -93.11011) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 31.1493 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2005 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
Lino Lakes,
MN Anoka Co. United States |
Birch St. / Shadow Lake Dr. (45.14228, -93.10960) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 42.6720 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2021 | Completed October 2021. |
Vadnais Heights,
MN Ramsey Co. United States |
Rice St. / Vadnais Blvd. / Grass Lake Pl. (45.04692, -93.10634) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 48.7680 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2020 | |
Vadnais Heights,
MN Ramsey Co. United States |
Rice St. / Owasso Blvd. N / Country Dr. (45.04340, -93.10633) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 50.2920 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2020 | |
MN Ramsey Co. United States |
Rice St. / I-694 Ramps (45.04572, -93.10631) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 36.2853 |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2019 | All ramps to and from I-694 will go through this roundabout. ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MO Taney Co. United States |
US 160 (Korean War Veterans Hwy.) / SR 76 (36.68507, -93.10040) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 42.6720 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2018 | |
Inver Grove Heights,
MN Dakota Co. United States |
STH 3 / Amana Trl. (44.83743, -93.08530) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 39.8048 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2010 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
Inver Grove Heights,
MN Dakota Co. United States |
70th St. E (CR 26) / STH 3 (S Robert Trl.) (44.84800, -93.08523) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 0.0000 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2019 | |
LA Claiborne Par. United States |
US 79 / US 79 Bypass / LA 9 (32.75646, -93.07671) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 34.1497 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2017 | Year Completed estimated (2016-2018 - streetview) ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MO Greene Co. United States |
S Farm Rd 253 / US 60 EB Ramps (37.11184, -93.07353) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 45.7166 |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Single-Lane |
2017 | Part of interchange that replaced at-grade intersection. ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MO Greene Co. United States |
S Farm Rd 253 / US 60 WB Ramps (37.11387, -93.07292) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 51.4298 |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Single-Lane |
2017 | Part of interchange that replaced at-grade intersection. ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
West St Paul,
MN Dakota Co. United States |
Wentworth Ave. / Oakdale Ave. (44.89793, -93.07155) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 30.4568 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2017 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
West St Paul,
MN Dakota Co. United States |
Thompson Ave. E (CR 6) / Oakdale Ave. (CR 73) (44.90155, -93.07054) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 39.6240 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2024 | Elliptical shaped. ICD = 130 ft x 100 ft. |
South Saint Paul,
MN Dakota Co. United States |
E Wentworth Ave. (CR 8) / Waterloo Ave. / US 52 SB Onramp (44.89797, -93.06674) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 32.1488 |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Single-Lane |
2009 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
South Saint Paul,
MN Dakota Co. United States |
E Wentworth Ave. / US 52 NB Offramp / Lafayette Ave. (44.89795, -93.06533) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 32.1488 |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Single-Lane |
2009 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MO Webster Co. United States |
S Mill St. / US 60 WB Ramps (37.11084, -93.05702) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 41.9074 |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Single-Lane |
2017 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
St Paul,
MN Ramsey Co. United States |
Frost Ave. / Parkway Dr. / E Shore Dr. (44.99925, -93.05696) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 35.4702 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2011 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MO Webster Co. United States |
S Mill St. / US 60 EB Ramps (37.11022, -93.05695) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 45.7175 |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Single-Lane |
2017 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MN Ramsey Co. United States |
Frost Ave. / English St. (44.99927, -93.04572) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 40.5374 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2002 | Completed October 2002. Twenty-year ADT is 15,000. ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MN Ramsey Co. United States |
Legacy Pkwy / (unknown) (45.03324, -93.03310) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 27.0089 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2004 | Functional Class: Local ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MN Ramsey Co. United States |
Kennard St. / Legacy Pkwy. (45.03317, -93.03062) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 37.1373 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2004 | Site has RT pavement arrows at entrance line. ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
Forest Lake,
MN Anoka Co. United States |
W Broadway Ave. / Kettle River Blvd. (45.28642, -93.02990) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 47.2440 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2016 | Year Completed estimated (2015-2016). |
MN Anoka Co. United States |
Lake Dr. NE / (unknown) (45.25047, -93.02965) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 37.8368 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2019 | Year Completed estimated (2018-2019). ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MN Ramsey Co. United States |
Sheren Ave. E / Castle Ave. E / Van Dyke St. (45.00990, -93.02256) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 30.3974 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2009 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MN Washington Co. United States |
Rosemary Way / Victor Hugo Blvd. (45.16552, -93.01734) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 1 Driveways 36.2092 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2005 | Year Completed estimated (2004-2006). ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
Forest Lake,
MN Washington Co. United States |
Fenway Ave. / Headwaters Pkwy. (45.23731, -92.99853) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 51.3018 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2017 | ra-list-july2014.xlsx (file available from Year Completed estimated (2017-2018). ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MN Washington Co. United States |
130th St. N / Flay Rd. N (45.13819, -92.99449) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 33.5280 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2019 | |
MN Dodge Co. United States |
CR 3 (130th Ave.) / US 14 WB Ramps (44.03834, -92.98577) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 0.0000 |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Single-Lane |
2022 | Raindrop shaped. Year Completed estimated (2021-2023). |
MN Dodge Co. United States |
CR 3 (130th Ave.) / US 14 EB Ramps (44.03664, -92.98574) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 0.0000 |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Single-Lane |
2022 | Raindrop shaped. Year Completed estimated (2021-2023). |
North Branch,
MN Chisago Co. United States |
Fletcher Ave. / 402nd St. (45.53020, -92.98534) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 39.3233 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2006 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
Forest Lake,
MN Washington Co. United States |
US 61 (Lake Ave.) / Broadway Ave. (45.27909, -92.98515) |
Roundabout Existing |
Unknown None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 36.9773 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2010 | Built in 2010. Reconfigured in 2013 to reduce number of through lanes from 2 to 1. ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
Forest Lake,
MN Washington Co. United States |
Broadway Ave. / (unknown) (45.27910, -92.98416) |
Other Existing |
Unknown None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 20.1695 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. | |
Forest Lake,
MN Washington Co. United States |
US 61 / STH 97 (south junction) (45.25512, -92.98406) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 42.8782 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2016 | Free-flow right-turn bypass lane on north leg. ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
Forest Lake,
MN Washington Co. United States |
US 61 / STH 97 (north junction) (45.25991, -92.98340) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 46.2373 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2016 | Grade-separated multiuse path bridge over US 61 on south leg. ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MN Washington Co. United States |
US 61 (Forest Blvd.) / 170th St. N (45.19619, -92.98238) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 41.2394 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2013 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
Hot Springs,
AR Garland Co. United States |
Park Ave. (SR 7-SR 128) / Park Ave. (SR 5-SR 128-SR 298) / SR 7 (34.57828, -92.98237) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 0.0000 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2022 | Year Completed estimated (2021-2022). |
Cottage Grove,
MN Washington Co. United States |
65th St. S / Goodview Ave. S (44.85509, -92.97948) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 27.0928 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2018 | North approach is currently a stub for future development as of 2019. Constructed in conjunction with adjacent middle school. ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
Forest Lake,
MN Washington Co. United States |
Scandia Trl. N (STH 97) / Goodview Ave. N / 8th St. SE (45.26073, -92.97577) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 54.8640 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2020 | Elliptical shaped. ICD = 180 feet x 150 feet. |